The University of Virginia Health System had a serious need for experienced perioperative, critical and acute care nurses and pharmacists. The Health System asked Good Soil to develop a two-pronged recruitment campaign to: 1) highlight their internal nurse referral incentive program and 2) increase the reach and impact of their current regional marketing to a national level.


Based on the hospital’s accolades – Recognized by U.S. News & World Report’s 2014-2015 “Best Hospitals” guide in seven specialties – and the city of Charlottesville’s reputation for quality of life – Named “America’s Happiest City” by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Research – the agency developed a campaign strategy trumpeting UVA Health System as “the best combination of career opportunity and quality of life in the nation.”


National Recruitment Ad Campaign
Print & Digital Display Ads
uva health system print ads by good soil agency
uva health system human resources website by good soil agency
WordPress Website
uva health system recruitent ads
Experienced Nurse Referral Incentive Program
In-hospital collateral – banners, posters, action cards, email headers & table tents
uva health system recruitment standing banner ads by good soil agency
uva health system recruitment flyers
uva health system table tents and placards by good soil agency


In the first six months, the campaign yielded over 160 new registered nurse hires – a 12% increase in the client’s intended target.

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